leadership academy
morciano global AG offers a wide range of consulting, management training and coaching.
The specialists at morciano global AG rely on the proven leadership square.
Acting as a competent leader
Driving the business forward

The leadership training modules
Individual and binding principles for management are defined for each quadrant. Based on these principles, the specific education and training needs are determined.
The aim is for managers to create an atmosphere in which employees can develop and are motivated to make an active contribution to qualitative and quantitative development. The training courses are also structured in such a way that managers are perceived as leaders in their respective roles.
Leadership principles
Acting as a competent leader
Well-done management work ensures the same images, the same language and thus creates the conditions for goal-oriented and self-directed action.
Continuous improvement process
Driving the business forward
You have defined the goals for your company and translated them into concrete measures that are now being implemented on an ongoing basis.
Leadership training
Promoting and developping employees
Recruiting the right employees is one of the most important management tasks and therefore a key success factor for the respective company.
Team Excellence
Creating the necessary framework conditions
Do employees feel connected to their team? Are the framework conditions designed in such a way that the members of a team are satisfied and motivated and that a team can achieve its optimal performance accordingly?